So, if I was searching for the perfect stroller, I would be searching for a stroller that would also protect this little life that I had labored so hard to make and that I loved with all of my heart. Going to Consumer Reports comes up with restraints, comfort, brakes, playtray, etc. All perfectly wonderful things to have if you're going to shell out this kind of money.
What Consumer Reports does NOT have rated is the ability of the stroller to work as a battering ram. See that little play tray above? Apparently it is quite useful as a weapon. How hard can you ram your stroller into a pole or another person without giving your baby a concussion? How hard can you run your stroller off of the curb and still keep the baby inside? How easy is it to run your stroller between a pole and a person without scraping up the side of your baby's face?
I cannot believe the amount of parents wrapped up in their own little worlds who cannot even begin to understand that even though this stroller is heavy-duty, it is not meant to be the sole protector of your child. As a parent, YOU are.
So this tirade goes out to all of the stupid people with their stupid strollers who not only get in the way, but who are endangering their children. I think any babyloss mama would say, "Give me the baby quietly and take your stroller and go away. Or I'm going to have to kick your head in."
Okay, maybe not that last part, but I'm sure it's pretty close.
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