This is a shopping cart. This is what people put milk, eggs, vegetables, etc. in. This is what people use to put in things they wish to buy. Apparently there are a large number of people who wish to buy their baby. After all, why else would they put it in the shopping cart?
Every time I go to the grocery store I see more than one person who thinks it's a good idea to use the shopping cart as a convenient baby tool. The shopping cart is big enough to fit a 24-pack of paper towel, but it's not designed for that. It's obviously designed to be just wide enough for these people to fit the infant car seats into.
Once their precious bundle of joy is in the shopping cart, well then there's a problem. There's no room to put the groceries! They could just throw a bottle of ketchup and their toilet paper on top of the baby, but that would be awful, wouldn't it? So they use the little area at the front to fit all of their groceries. (Haven't these people ever heard of carrying their baby? That's a tirade for a different day...)
Here's the kicker. After giving a loving look to their child who they fought so hard over nine months to have, and fought for many hours to deliver, they...walk...away. I have seen these women (and men!) leave their child in a shopping cart to get something from a shelf twenty feet away or to have a conversation with another shopper.
Aren't they concerned someone is going to snatch their baby?! It would take one second to pick that baby up and run down that aisle. It would take one second for them never to see their child again. What the hell is wrong with these people?!
If you're going to take your baby shopping, hold your baby, love your baby, and WATCH YOUR DAMNED BABY!! The cart even says "Do Not Leave Your Child Unattended"! Your baby is not a gallon of milk that can be replaced if someone steals it.
Maybe someone should. Perhaps only then would these people learn how lucky they are.
hey! ErinFoster from DS...saw you post about your blog on the discussion board. i love it!