There seems to be a terrifying trend lately of people rediscovering the joy of a leash, but not on their family dog, on their child. After all, why hold your beloved child's hand when you can leash them instead? This way you can talk on the cell phone, all why little Bobby tries to run away but to no avail.
What sickens me more, is that most come in these innocuous cute little animal backpacks, perfect for these people to stick their cell phone, lipstick, and other things into. This way, their child can carry their purse for them. These children have become pack mules at the tender age of two. Or perhaps these parents are trying to provide these toddlers with strength training.
It is when the cell phone goes off in the cute little bunny backpack, that you see the parent yank their child in, and frantically search for their ringing phone, the entire time ignoring their child.
One reason given for leashes is that toddlers can dash into the street or into a crowd at a moment's notice and therefore leashes provide a measure of safety for your child. If you refuse to be a PARENT, then you have raised your child to have no self-control and to be a terror. However, there's still an answer for this: hold your damn child's hand.
Another reason given is that parents cannot possibly watch their children at all times. It is not the women who momentarily look away that are leashing their children. It is the women whose attention is undividedly on the cell phone conversation they are having. If their attention can be 100% on a cell phone conversation, then it should be 100% on watching their child. Even on the cell phone, however, there's a solution: hold your damn child's hand.
I am not perfect, and I know that when I am fortunate enough to bring home my child from the hospital, that my attention will flicker at some point. However, there's a difference in being momentarily distracted, and in an extended period of ignoring your child. You can damned well guarantee, however, that when you do see me, I will be lovingly holding my children's hands.
Women, wake up.
You wanted a child and were blessed and fortunate enough to be able to bring one home from the hospital. Unless you are trying to introduce your children into bondage, or teach him/her that they should be treated as the family dog, hold your child's hand. Be a parent, and teach your child what safety means, and don't be afraid to teach your child that it's wrong to run into the street. Be a PARENT and watch your child. Don't rely on a leash to do it for you.
If you can't, perhaps it's not your child who needs a leash, perhaps your husband should put one on you.
For a (hopefully) satirical view on leashing your child, visit www.leashyourchildren.com.
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