Let me correct that assumption. I would trade with these people in an instant. Any baby loss mommy would.
We would love to spend all night awake trying to coax our newborns to sleep instead of spending all night awake because nightmares haunt us at every sleeping moment.
We would love to clean pee and poop off of our exquisitely tiled floors again and again instead of deciding to scrub the toilet for a fifth time because the hard labor seems to be the only thing that takes our thoughts away from the fact that we had to bury our child.
We would love to have to stop the car every 15 minutes on a long trip because our little boy or girl has to go to the bathroom instead of stopping the car every 15 minutes because our tears have blinded us from driving.
Do not complain to us about your living children, the ones that you are lucky to have been able to bring home from the hospital. Do not whine about the lack of sleep, or the extra cleaning you are forced to do, or how you have not been able to see any movies because your children take up too much time.
You are lucky enough to have brought home a child. You are lucky enough to be able to raise your child, to lavish your child with attention, to teach your child everything, to have hugs and kisses from that child every day.
I hope that it doesn't take losing a child of your own to finally understand true suffering. Until then, just keep your complaints to yourself and your mouth shut.
This bugs me so much! I wish they could realize how truly lucky they are. I've had people who know about my losses say "are you sure you want to have kids?" in response to their children crying or misbehaving. Are you freaking kidding me?! Did you really just say that to me?! *face punch*