I'm not sure if anyone told these people, but having sex is necessary in order to get pregnant. This means that I am NOT surprised if I get pregnant.
I'm not sure if anyone told these people, but I have an empty nursery, one with a beautiful mahogany crib, one with lime green walls, and monkeys running across the window. One that should have been filled with a baby almost a year ago.
How can I not think about it?
I understand that these "well-meaning people" are trying to tell me to relax. Unless they manage to drug me up with something that makes me forget who I am, I am not going to forget. I'm not going to forget about the children I have lost, I'm not going to forget that I still want a child. After all, that is why I was pregnant in the first place.
Perhaps I should start saying this comment to people when they are trying to find a new job. "Don't worry, it will happen when you least expect it!" Nope, I'm pretty sure that they are not going to get a magical phone call one day from an employer, unless they are trying pretty hard.
Perhaps I should start saying this comment to people when they are looking for a new home. "Don't worry, it will happen when you least expect it!" Nope, I'm pretty sure that unless they are the Wicked Witch of the West, a house is not going to fall on them from out of the sky. They need to put effort into finding that dream home.
Of course there are a million things that "help" in conception: elevating the hips, different positions, exercise, weight loss, the right herbs and supplements. But a baby isn't going to come when I least expect it, unless I'm trying, and unless I'm timing things correctly.
So for those people who tell me "It will happen when you least expect it", I'd like to tell them that I'm trying very hard not to hit them right now, but not to worry. It will happen when they least expect it.
This is GREAT!!! lol. i must admit though, I got pregnant the cycle BEFORE we were to start fertility treatments!! LOL....i know that is a VERY rare story, but that is how it happened for me...and i am frankly VERY happy it happened that way, b/c i was getting REALLY nervous about the treatments!!
ReplyDeletethis is perfectly awesomely wrote! Thanks for the humor this morning! i have been in need of some of that! Baby dust your way momma (((HUGS))) I wish it sure worked that way of the stork! @_@